Uranium Equities: Time to Test the Water
Monday November 3, 2008
For the first time in many, many months we saw some strong
buying in uranium stocks which was not met by even stronger selling. For some
time we had been speculating that the hedge funds had exited the uranium
equities and then began the slow and painful exodus out of their physical
uranium yellowcake holdings. Never could we have imagined that it would take
this long to reach this point, nor the thought of some companies’ market
capitalizations being below that of their cash-on-hand levels. Sadly many of
the uranium companies were not only hit by the hedge funds exiting the uranium
arena, but also by investing alongside hedge funds in commercial paper and
mortgage backed securities. Generally when you venture outside your field of
expertise, you get stung and this experience fell in line for many of those
firms who were exploring for the best yield on their cash reserves rather than
exploring for uranium.
Many thought that this credit crisis would be well done by
now, but months ago when people thought they saw the light at the end of the
tunnel we argued otherwise. We thought that things would get far worse before
they got better, and believed that they were not seeing the light at the end of
the tunnel, but rather that light denoting the passing of our financial system
as we know it. We hate red tape, because in the history of red tape it has
fixed nothing. When the market cannot fix itself however, we must accept the
fact that those who backstop the system must step in and do what is needed,
which has happened. Which brings us to the point where are at today.
Months ago, we said that uranium stocks would generally do
as financials. Our belief was that to fix the problem you needed to re-inflate
and pump money into the banking sector. By doing this and unfreezing credit
markets, companies would once again feel comfortable investing in the capital
intensive projects like nuclear power plants and hedge funds could stop
liquidating portfolios and maybe even return to making long-term investments.
We may have reached the inflection point with the TARP plan funds now being
doled out to America’s various financial institutions.
Throughout this whole fiasco we have held steady in our
belief that nuclear is in fact the way the world will meet its energy needs in
the future. It seems that more and more nuclear reactors are announced around
the world each month and those who build them keep announcing larger and larger
back-logs of those wanting to construct the plants.
We have been very pleased with the recent price action on
Ur-Energy, Inc. (URG- AMEX, URE- Toronto) which recently rose to trade closer to
that all important cash-on-hand level. Still the company’s market
capitalization trades below that of its cash stockpile, but we view this as a
true bargain. We recently had the opportunity to sit down with Bill Boberg,
Chief Executive Officer of Ur- Energy, and he explained that although the
uranium price is off of its highs, the company is comfortable moving forward as
their total production costs (capital expenses and production expenses) will
come out around $35 to $38 per pound. As long as the price stays in the low
$40s, the company believes that they can turn a nice profit off of their ISR
production at Lost Creek.

Another company which caught our attention recently was
Cameco Corp. (CCJ- NYSE, CCO- Toronto) which is trading at levels not seen in
many years. The stock recently got down as far as $12, and although we do not
particularly like Cameco due to the tendency of their mines in Saskatchewan to
flood with no prior notice, the value at these levels is real and should be paid
proper attention.
Cameco still has long-term contracts at lower prices and is
phasing them out as they come up for renewal, increasing profits dramatically in
the process. Even though uranium prices have collapsed dramatically over the
past year, Cameco’s profits should increase based solely on their higher
realized pricing power in new contracts. At these prices the market has fully
priced in the fact that Cigar Lake is not coming online soon and that the
uranium market has cooled leaving investors with an attractive entry point based
on current earnings per share and forward earnings (assuming they are successful
in renegotiating contracts at current prices and do not offer what we shall
refer to as “discounts” as they had in the past).

We feel comfortable with these two companies as one
provides tremendous value based on the fact that it trades below cash and the
other because of its potential future earnings power. Even with a lower uranium
price for producers, both companies will make considerably more money for
shareholders as they are low cost producers and well financed during this credit
crisis. Uranium is the fuel of the future, and with stockpiles worldwide
dwindling more will be needed in the coming years to fuel not only our nuclear
power plants currently in production, but those being built and planned as
well. The uranium investing thesis still holds true, and for those willing to
accumulate shares of these companies at current prices, the profits could once
again be extraordinary.