Uranium: Powering the Future
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Uranium equities have continued their downturn after a
period where it appeared we may have been flat-lining. Unfortunately for those
still holding, many of these stocks dipped further in recent trading days
resulting in a new all-time low for theinvestar's Canadian Uranium Average (TICUA).
We noticed during those down days that volume spiked on many of the smaller
uranium stocks included in the average as well as those which we follow on the
side. Some of these stocks reversed course during high volume days and finished
up after being down 5-10% which brought to mind the word capitulation. Even if
the uranium mining stocks have reached a bottom, it will take some time to
achieve the highs set in previous years as many stocks would need to triple just
to get back in the neighborhood of their old highs.

Volume in the smaller uranium issues
tipped us off, and the chart seems to confirm that we may be somewhere near a
bottom. A chart from the top would show that any bubble which existed is no
more, and mid- to large caps now dominate the above index.
For all the good “spin” and taxpayer dollars funneled to
ethanol and biofuel production over the past decade, it is time to seriously
consider the ramifications of this policy on futures markets, the environment,
and most of all our food supply. We here at theinvestar.com, LLC have
continually argued against burning food rather than drilling for further oil
supplies and are convinced that this is an issue which must be confronted sooner
rather than later. At some point in the future American politicians are going to
have to stop delaying until tomorrow problems faced by the country and take
serious and responsible stands on real issues. We see a future where
“renewables” and “fossils” can coexist and complement each other. Goals will
have to be set, and they must be realistic (solar power is not going to power
the whole United States- let alone a large state such as California, New York or
Texas) or these policies will fail. Most importantly though, is the fact that
nuclear power will have to be the “keystone” to any successfully planned policy.
You cannot have energy 'independence' yet be dependent upon such variables as
sunlight in the day- I for one would like to be reassured that my refrigerator
is not going to shut off each night when the sun sets upon America and have to
dispose of all my melted frozen foods.
Nuclear power is a safe, efficient, and non-carbon dioxide
producing form of power. Today it produces around 20% of the United States'
electricity needs, and if we as a nation are serious about switching our
vehicles to electricity from oil then we will most surely need to not only
replace but also add more nuclear power stations to our aging fleet in the not
too distant future. Plans are on the board for between 20 to 45 new nuclear
power stations in this country over the next 30 years, but if these stations are
being built to replace coal fired plants as well as a small number of oil
burning stations, then many more nuclear stations will be needed. Today it
appears that nuclear power falls under that 'blue state' v. 'red state' game of
politics, but in the past nuclear has been an option which has transcended
political lines, ties, and biases for the advancement of the country.
If you are having trouble believing this, look no further
than Illinois. This is a state which bleeds dark blue due to in large part to
Chicago, America's third largest city. With its huge electricity demands,
Illinois allowed 21 nuclear power stations to be constructed within its borders
over the past 50 years or so. If you have ever driven through the state you can
relate to the spectacle of seeing clear blue skies over farms for miles and as
you drive down the interstates you notice large swaths of white “clouds” coming
from a spec on the horizon. As a child it amazed me, and I even imagined a
volcano or something ahead. Each time it turned out to be but a nuclear power
station emitting harmless water vapors into the air while powering one of
America's greatest cities in the process.
New York City even gets 20% of its electricity needs from
nuclear power generation. Although such notable political figures such as
Senator Hillary Clinton and Senator Chuck Schumer have called for nuclear power
stations to be closed, including the one powering much of New York City, they
have not found a way to replace that kind of generating capacity with renewables
or even coal or natural gas.
One should take note that utilities such as Exelon are
reporting strong earnings in the face of higher coal, oil and natural gas costs.
These utilities are giving full credit to their nuclear units as they are able
to export cheaply generated power across the country to sell to other utilities
at higher prices. This proves that nuclear facilities are profit centers, and
after the new plants now under construction come online the point shall be
reiterated for those still not convinced.
All of this shall contribute to greater need for uranium to
power not only America, but China as well. The world needs a 'denser' fuel
source, and despite any argument one can come up with, NOTHING is denser than
uranium. As our societies around the world have evolved and required further
power needs, man has always reached an inflection point where the only logical
move was to a source of power which was more efficient than the previous. Over
the course of history the evolution of power sources has looked something like
1. Wood
2. Coal
3. Oil
Now each of these has had subcategories such as the switch
from whale oil to petrol oil, but that is a basic outline. The only logical step
to take next is uranium based power which blows away all the before-mentioned
substances. What is ironic is the fact that this nuclear waste that so many
complain about is in fact a gold mine for future generations. Today we can
recycle some of this by taking out the metals which appear after one cycle use
such as plutonium and then up-blending what is left to form a substance which
can then go through the cycle again. This can only be repeated so much until it
becomes uneconomical. In France however, scientists are trying to develop ways
to harness this unspent fuel in order to make the entire process more
environmentally friendly and economically profitable. Scientists estimate that
somewhere between 90-95% of the power available from uranium fuel is not used
today because we neither posses the technology or the know-how to harness this
Now if we only consumed say 5% of the oil we drilled for
and put the rest in storage, how many people would complain? Probably none, as
today no one complains about the large storage facilities located around the
country. They pose a serious environmental concern if an earthquake or flood hit
to wildlife, the environment, water sources, and humans. If you doubt these
facts simply look at New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina where crews had to go
in and clean up large oil slicks from the high winds and flooding.
For some reason there seems to be a bias to nuclear power
which is probably due to the fact that the deadliest weapons on earth use this
same fuel source to implement unbelievable destruction. Despite how backwards
France appears to many Americans, it would behoove many of them to take notice
that America is behind the times in the Nuclear field and play catch up, for it
is they who are behind and backwards. It is most likely the outspoken minority
(those niche environmental and special interest groups) who influence those
policy makers capable of creating change in this area, but our guess is that
Americans, and we mean the silent majority, simply want their electricity
demands met by any means necessary. Americans care for neither where the oil
came from nor how much it pollutes so long as they can get to where they need to
be, and one can assume they will take this same nonchalant approach to future
electricity needs.
This is why we believe that uranium is still a necessary
fuel source and one that will power the world for many years to come. In a world
as complex as ours, there are necessary evils and environmentalists will have to
choose the lessor of evils to achieve their dreams. On one hand they can
continue to allow pollutants to be 'dumped' or as we like to say 'pumped' into
the atmosphere and then distributed all over the earth, or they can allow for
clean emission nuclear power stations to dot the landscape and preserve
thousands of acres of wildlife habitat in the process while the pollutants are
collected and kept in controlled environments. This is not much different from
the process involved at plants which use 'scrubbers' on their smokestacks to
lessen emissions as those pollutants are eventually collected and disposed of by
firms which provide services solely devoted to cleaning and disposing of these
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